Our cork recycling program is no longer running (effective December 1, 2021). We are not accepting any more corks.
Our cork recycling program is no longer running (effective December 1, 2021). We are not accepting any more corks.
nomad restaurant on Main Street, vancouver is a participant in the put a cork in it cork recycling program

We’re glad to have Nomad Restaurant on Main join the program. Nomad describes themselves as “A member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply.

At Nomad, we strive to follow the same constructs by creating and nurturing relationships with our region’s farmers and suppliers. Menus are created using a combination of this season’s fresh crops and last season’s bounty that has been preserved in house. Our chefs know the origin and content of every dish we serve in order to provide peace of mind to our guests. Simple yet stylish, we strive to tell a story with every dish and every drink we serve. We want to teach people how to take advantage of this amazing part of the world. Seasonal, Sustainable, Respectful.”

Well Nomad is certainly walking the talk on Sustainability. They’ll be diverting all their 100% recyclable corks from the landfill to our program. Nice.

About the author

Ian launched the Put a Cork in it recycling program in 2010. He is a big proponent of renewable energy and sustainability. And he walks the talk.